As someone who is primarily recognised as the “tech guy” by his classmates, teachers and friends, you would think that I have some level of competency at actually maintaining a computer or phone such that they are always at least at a functional state. This is a complete and utter lie. What most people don’t realise is whatever knowledge we ’technical’ people have, we achieved it by a series of trying and testing. I can’t talk for others here, but my success to failure ratio in such experiments is alarmingly low. But not only are such fails a learning opportunity, they are what make my tinkering and technical endeavours fun.
Continue reading The side-effects of being tech-savvyCategory Archives: Writeups
How I Set Up My Own Website: Part 2.
There is one post on this blog which details how to set up a website, and there is another which details my previous attempt at setting up an website on a Raspberry Pi 0 W. You can decide for yourself which should be considered as part one.
Continue reading How I Set Up My Own Website: Part 2.FOSS without Fuss
We all use PCs. With the schools going virtual, we all use our devices for multiple tasks: attending live classes, managing schoolwork, preparing for exams using online study materials etc. The more creative ones use them to produce electronic art, literature etc. Why? To express our thoughts and ideas. To portray our feelings and expressions. To ‘excersice our rights’, some might say. But to those of you who went for the last one, and those of you who didn’t as well, have you ever wondered about your software rights? Have you ever wondered, shouldn’t it be your right to distribute the software you use with everyone else as well? (I am not considering or supporting software piracy i.e. stealing, sorry.) I am talking about the right to legally share the software you use, and legally access, tweak and modify its code as well.
Continue reading FOSS without FussHow to set up your own website (extreme hardcore version)
[Note: In one of the several server and hosting provider changes the images in this post have been unfortunately lost. Maybe you are better off not taking advice on how to make websites from me.__]
There are many reasons why you would want to have your own website. Maybe you want to advertise your shop or maybe you just want a blog. Maybe you want to create a website on how to create a website. Then its readers will make a website on how to make a website…
Continue reading How to set up your own website (extreme hardcore version)